Welcome to AGD Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Vermont AGD

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Check here for the latest news and happenings taking place in Vermont AGD!


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Tax Problems For Member Solved!

Do you see RED when you hear the word TAX?

 One of our members faced two recent tax issues that your VAGD Board was able to resolve.  The member received an invoice from Garrison Dental Solutions indicating both a 2.3% Medical Excise Tax and a 6% Vermont State Sales Tax.  The member contacted Garrison and the company maintained that the items were taxable based on a "tax matrix" form submitted by the Vermont Tax Department.  The Member contacted the VSDS who responded they did not have the time or resources to investigate tax issues.  The member discussed this with our Board who made an inquiry to the Tax Department.  The tax department agreed with the member that matrix bands (disposable supplies used in the treatment of a medical condition) and matrix retainers (durable medical goods being re-used to treat a medical condition) both met the criteria for being non-taxable.  Garrison reversed the charges for sales tax, but stated the excise Tax will be collected as a matter of company policy.  

On another matter, it was noted by a member that he was being charged an additional sales tax of 1% for practicing in a special tax district.  The member did not practice in such a district and the charges were reversed.  

So, members, be sure to scrutinize your invoices carefully. With some effort, you can have incorrect charges reversed.


Those of our members that are Employers be sure to pay attention the the new requirements.  One requirement will be a mandatory notification to your employees, due October 1st, on you intent to participate in the Exchange.  Look to Blue Cross of VT for further information on these requirements.


Dr. Bettina Laidley, VAGD President and Dr. Roger Reckis, VAGD Vice-President recently lobbied Vermont Senators and Representative to reduce regulatory complexity and also insurance company omnipotence.

Drs. Reckis and Laidley


The Vermont AGD has 59 active members, 5 Emeritus members, and 1 Retired member. 14 members have been awarded Fellowship and 3 members are Masters in the Academy.

22 members are considered pre-fellows, that is members that have not achieved the Fellowship award but have at least 450 hours of CE credit in their file. The award is achieved when the member has completed at least 3 years membership, completed 500 hours of CE and passes the 400 question fellowship exam.

There are 2 members with pre-mastership status. Those members are Fellows of the Academy and have at least 1000 hours recorded in their CE transcript.

Mastership is achieved with 1100 total hours of CE with 400 hours of participation courses spread over 10 subject areas. More information on these awards can be found at cst.agd.org.


Recently, your VAGD Board decided to forgo meeting in person and met via Skype Video Conferencing.  The internet meeting saved our Board members travel time to a central location as well as saved them the cost of gas.  The meeting was a 2 hour meeting with very few technical issues.  The Board is likely to continue this format for some, if not all of its meetings.  

Screen Capture of Recent Board Meeting by Skype: