This site is for Rhode Island AGD existing and potential members.
We hope you will visit the site frequently. Check back for continuing education opportunities and other relevant issues.

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From time-to-time the AGD may send out e-mail of interest to our members. If you would prefer not to receive these notices, please visit your profile to unsubscribe or adjust your settings.
211 East Chicago Ave., Ste 900 | Chicago, IL 60611-1999 | Ph: 888.AGD.DENT (888.243.3368) | Fax: 312.440.0559 |
Speak for General Dentistry
Be the voice of the general dentist and communicate with your legislators. For a quick glance at state bills and regulations needing action and attention, click here or on the state action icon to the right of this text. To see all tracked bills or regulators with a possible impact on general dentists and their patients, visit the AGD’s constituent issues and select a state to see what lawmakers and regulators have brought to the table.
Share with Patients… is the new consumer Web site that offers your patients dental health information in a fun and easy format from a source you already trust for dental education, the AGD.
Give us Your Opinion…
Share your thoughts and comments on the Rhode Island AGD Web site.
Send an e-mail to AGD Headquarters