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55193 Localized Therapy with Controlled-Release Antimicrobials - 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to familiarize dentists and their staff with site-specific therapy utilizing controlled-release antimicrobials and assist them in developing a protocol for clinical utilization.

58611 Allergic Reactions in Dental Patients - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the information necessary to recognize, treat, and prevent allergic reactions in their patients.

51390 Controversial Issues in Dentistry - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide providing factual information about controversial topics in dentistry, allowing professionals to objectively assess the issue and discuss it with patients and other professionals.

53383 Women's Health for Dental Professionals - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental healthcare professionals with a comprehensive update on healthcare-related issues affecting women.

52162 Dental Treatment of Pediatric and Adolescent Patients - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
Dental professionals are frequently involved in the care of pediatric and/or adolescent patients. The purpose of this course is to outline the oral health needs and problems unique to the pediatric and adolescent populations

54002 A Review of Oral Histology and Physiology - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide clinicians with a better understanding of the cellular components of the oral hard and soft tissues, supplying a scientific basis upon which clinical decisions for dental treatment can be made.

55181 Local Anesthetics in Dentistry - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with a comparative perspective on the use of local anesthetics.

54353 Medical Emergencies in the Dental Setting - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
Patients, those who accompany them, or members of the dental staff can be stricken suddenly and without warning by any of a variety of medical emergency issues. The purpose of this course is to provide all members of the dental staff with the training necessary to provide immediate assistance to a patient that experiences any problem that constitutes a medical emergency.

51233 OSHA and Healthcare Facilities - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide information that will allow facilities to more easily comply with the broad spectrum of rules covered by the OSHA regulations.

51952 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 3/1/2022 to 2/28/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with awareness of carpal tunnel syndrome, based on specific signs and symptoms and appropriate diagnostic tests, and of interventions available to treat and/or prevent the condition.

54150 The 2019-2020 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak - 3/1/2022 to 2/28/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals an overview of the emerging human coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, including background epidemiology, clinical features, mode of transmission, epidemic potential, and the clinical and public health measures recommended to limit the spread of infection and control the outbreak.

54213 Multidrug-Resistant Microbial Infections - 3/1/2022 to 2/28/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
In spite of a growing understanding and application of effective control measures, the problem of multidrug-resistant microbial infection remains a ubiquitous and complex issue for communities and hospitals. Each decade seems to usher in a new generation of common pathogens that have become resistant to available medications, resulting in ongoing excess morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the basics of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms and to review the classes of multidrug-resistant pathogens currently prevalent in healthcare facilities and the community, including guidelines for prevention and options for therapy.

54962 Oral Complications of Diabetes - 4/1/2022 to 3/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
Diabetes can have a significant impact on oral health, which in turn affects patients' overall health and quality of life. The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the information necessary to identify oral complications of diabetes and educate patients with diabetes regarding the steps necessary to prevent periodontal disease.

54733 HIV/AIDS: Epidemic Update for Washington - 4/1/2022 to 3/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
In view of the existing crisis in health care in the United States, the problems associated with providing the necessary care for persons with HIV infection or AIDS are significant. The purpose of this course is to address those problems in the discussion of epidemiology, organism characteristics, pathophysiology, transmission, clinical manifestations, complications, treatment advancements, prevention, ethical and legal aspects of care, and workplace concerns.

56943 Cocaine Use Disorder - 4/1/2022 to 3/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide a current, evidence-based overview of cocaine abuse and dependence and its treatment, in order to allow dental professionals to more effectively identify, treat, or refer patients who abuse cocaine.

56441 Suicide Assessment and Prevention - 4/1/2022 to 3/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with an appreciation of the impact of depression and suicide on patient health as well as the skills necessary to identify and intervene for patients at risk for suicide.

51602 Prescribing Opioids, Providing Naloxone, and Preventing Drug Diversion: The West Virginia Requirement - 5/1/2022 to 4/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals who prescribe or distribute opioids with an appreciation for the complexities of opioid prescribing and the dual risks of litigation due to inadequate pain control and drug diversion or misuse in order to provide the best possible patient care and to prevent a growing social problem.

54923 Animal-Related Health Risks - 5/1/2022 to 4/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to increase the awareness of zoonotic diseases and their management in both prevention and care. There are many potential diseases that can spread from animals to humans, and with basic precautions, most zoonoses are preventable or at least avoidable. The public has many misconceptions about what to do after a potential exposure to a zoonotic source, and healthcare professionals are often the first to help and answer questions.

56672 Sensory Integration and Processing Problems: Impact on Care - 5/1/2022 to 4/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to improve the quality of care administered to patients with sensory processing issues by providing dental professionals with information about sensory processing issues and health care from the point of view of the patient.

55141 Optimizing Opioid Safety and Efficacy06/01/2022 - 6/1/2022 to 5/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the information necessary to choose the appropriate opioid agents for their patients, with a resultant improvement in patients' quality of life and compliance with prescribed treatments.

54983 Viral Diseases: Oral Involvement and Complications - 6/1/2022 to 5/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with a review of several viral organisms and the effect they have directly and indirectly upon dental treatment, oral health, and systemic health.

56051 Treating the Apprehensive Dental Patient - 6/1/2022 to 5/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide insight about dental-based apprehension from the viewpoint of the patient and to suggest methods to increase patients' ability to obtain dental care.

52403 Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma - 6/1/2022 to 5/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to raise awareness and provide dental professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to quickly and accurately identify pediatric abusive head trauma and to intervene in cases of abuse, which should decrease the morbidity and mortality experienced by the victims.

54032 Oral and Maxillofacial Infections - 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to emphasize to dental professionals the importance of quickly identifying and treating oral and maxillofacial infections.

56953 Methamphetamine Use Disorder - 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
Methamphetamine use has risen alarmingly, reaching epidemic proportions in some regions. The purpose of this course is to provide a current, evidence-based overview of methamphetamine use disorder and its treatment in order to allow dental professionals to more effectively identify, treat, and refer patients who use methamphetamine.

51763 Bioterrorism: An Update for Healthcare Professionals - 9/1/2022 to 8/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to address the various components of a bioterrorism attack and the appropriate responses required of clinical care providers, public health professionals, and healthcare facilities.

54613 Clostridioides difficile Infection - 10/1/2022 to 9/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) continues to be a challenging clinical and infection control issue for hospitals and other healthcare facilities. It has now passed methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to become the most prevalent hospital-associated infection. The purpose of this course is to provide a practical review of the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, and management of CDI, with an emphasis on prevention and infection control measures required to limit transmission and reduce the incidence of disease.

57533 Child Abuse Identification and Reporting: The New York Requirement - 10/1/2022 to 9/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to enable dental professionals to define child abuse and identify the children who are affected by violence. This course describes how a victim can be accurately diagnosed and identifies the community resources available in the state of New York for child abuse victims.

54120 Nutrition and Oral Health - 11/1/2022 to 10/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide clinicians with a better understanding of the impact of nutrition on dental health and care

57470 Human Trafficking and Exploitation: The Texas Requirement - 11/1/2022 to 10/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
As human trafficking becomes an increasingly more common problem in the United States, healthcare and mental health professionals will require knowledge of human trafficking patterns, the health and mental health needs of human trafficking victims, and successful interventions for victims. The purpose of this course is to increase the level of awareness and knowledge about human trafficking and exploitation so dental professionals can identify and intervene in cases of exploitation.

50683 Oral Cancer and Complications of Cancer Therapies - 12/1/2022 to 11/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
Problematic oral changes can affect more than oral health, and healthcare professionals should consider individuals' oral health in their overall patient care plans. The purpose of this course is to define oral cancer and briefly explain its diagnostic criteria as well as discuss the changes experienced within the oral environment after the treatments for oral and systemic cancers are initiated.

55172 Medical Marijuana and Other Cannabinoids - 12/1/2022 to 11/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with unbiased and evidence-based information regarding the use of marijuana and other cannabinoids for the treatment of medical conditions.

57423 Dental Ethics: A Brief Review - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with a review of ethics and ethical theoretical systems that pertain to their profession. The content of this course is not intended as legal advice for patients or practitioners.

55073 Antibiotics Review - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide a review of the major classes of antibiotics and their characteristics as well as an overview of selected individual agents within each class that are most useful for today's clinical practitioner.

51573 Diagnosing and Treating Overweight and Obese Patients - 2/1/2022 to 1/21/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self-Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
Obesity is epidemic in the United States. As statistics indicate that the problem is growing, the purpose of this course is to educate dental professionals about the epidemiology and treatment of overweight and obese patients. Clinical management, presentation, diagnosis, and behavioral and medical management will be reviewed to assist healthcare professionals in encouraging their patients to lose weight and prevent obesity-related comorbidities.

56740 Dental Treatment of Patients with Mental Disorders - 3/1/2022 to 2/28/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
In dentistry, mental health disorders are commonly encountered in patients and can impact oral health and the level of care that can be provided. The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the information necessary to identify mental health disorders and to address these issues appropriately.

55073 Antibiotics Review - 3/1/2022 to 2/28/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide a review of the major classes of antibiotics and their characteristics as well as an overview of selected individual agents within each class that are most useful for today's clinical practitioner.

56963 Opioid Use Disorder - 4/1/2022 to 3/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
Practice guidance for opioid use disorder has not kept pace with rapid, profound changes in this area, leaving healthcare professionals with outdated and incomplete information to guide the clinical management of opioid use disorder and related morbidity. The purpose of this course is to close this gap to allow dental professionals to provide the best, evidence-based care to patients with opioid use disorder.

55151 Responsible and Effective Opioid Prescribing - 5/1/2022 to 4/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals who prescribe or distribute opioids with an appreciation for the complexities of opioid prescribing and the dual risks of litigation due to inadequate pain control and drug diversion or misuse in order to provide the best possible patient care and to prevent a growing social problem.

Premier Comprehensive Straight Wire Orthodontics Clinical Live Patient Program - 9/17/2022 to 7/29/2023
Event Type: CE Course
1400 W 4th St
Skiatook, OK, 74070
This program combines a clinical, live-patient experience with basic straight wire orthodontic training. Dr. Brad Williams, a respected GP orthodontic instructor with 30+ years of clinical experience will guide you throughout the course. Our goal is to impart the knowledge and confidence you need to provide GP orthodontics for your patients. Williams GP Orthodontic Seminars also offers training for your entire staff to assist you in successfully incorporating orthodontics into your practice.

59563 Dental Considerations for Geriatric Patients - 6/1/2022 to 5/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with information regarding oral manifestations of the aging process and their relationship with oral and systemic health to ensure the maintenance of optimum quality of life in older patients.

56563 Alcohol and Alcohol Use Disorders - 6/1/2022 to 5/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to address the ongoing alcohol competency educational needs of practicing dental professionals. The material will include core competencies as well as knowledge, assessment, and treatment-based competencies.

50002 Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma - 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self Study
Sacramento, CA, 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with a deeper understanding of and appreciation for oral and maxillofacial trauma.

50072 Migraine: Diagnosis and Therapeutic Advances - 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide an update of research elucidating the pathophysiology of migraine, which has resulted in “mechanism-based†therapies; to review the differential diagnosis of headache disorders; and to summarize the current and evidence-based guidelines for clinical management of migraine. The course will highlight the need for a graded therapeutic response based on frequency of attacks and pattern of symptoms, and the importance of patient education and self-management techniques as a means of ensuring compliance and improving outcomes.

51953 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Online Self Study
Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with awareness of how to assess carpal tunnel syndrome, based on specific signs and symptoms and appropriate diagnostic tests, and of interventions available to treat and/or prevent the condition.

Oral Health Issues During Pregnancy - 8/1/2022 to 7/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the information necessary to appropriately intervene to promote good oral health in pregnant patients, with lasting positive effects to the patient and fetus.

Cannabis and Cannabis Use Disorders - 8/1/2022 to 7/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to allow dental professional to effectively identify, treat, and provide appropriate referrals for patients who use or abuse cannabis.

55253 Medication Use in Dentistry - 9/1/2022 to 8/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, 95899
As the number of medications and range of uses grow, dental prescribing has become increasingly complex. The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the knowledge necessary to effectively prescribe and to monitor the effects of commonly used drugs.

55121 Strategies for Appropriate Opioid Prescribing: The Florida Requirement - 9/1/2022 to 8/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals who prescribe or distribute opioids with an appreciation for the complexities of opioid prescribing and the dual risks of litigation due to inadequate pain control and drug diversion or misuse in order to provide the best possible patient care and to prevent a growing social problem.

57000 Implicit Bias in Health Care - 9/1/2022 to 8/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with an overview of the impact of implicit biases on clinical interactions and decision making.

54072 Oral Manifestations of Sexually Transmitted Infections - 10/1/2022 to 9/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to introduce dental professionals to the pathophysiology of STIs, their oral manifestations, systemic complications, available treatment options, and any modifications required for dental treatment.

51793 Promoting the Health of Gender and Sexual Minorities - 10/1/2022 to 9/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
More individuals who identify as gender and sexual minorities and their families want culturally appropriate information as well as support and referral. The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with strategies that promote cultural competency when treating and caring for these patients, supporting the concept of patient-centered care.

57480 Sexual Harassment Prevention: The California Law - 10/1/2022 to 9/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide information on what constitutes sexual harassment, how to prevent it in the workplace, and to define the roles and responsibilities of creating a safe work environment as it applies to both supervisors and employees. 

59143 Osteoporosis: Diagnosis and Management - 11/1/2022 to 10/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
To appropriately prevent, diagnose, and treat osteoporosis, healthcare providers should understand the epidemiology, physiology, and management. The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the information regarding causes and treatment of osteoporosis necessary to effectively provide patient-centered care.

57383 Palliative Care and Pain Management at the End of Life - 11/1/2022 to 10/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to bridge the gap in knowledge of palliative care by providing an overview of the concept of palliative care and a discussion of the challenges, benefits, and strategies of optimum palliative care at the end of life.

Comprehensive Hands-On Orthodontic Program with Live Patients - 2/4/2022 to 1/6/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Washington AGD Global Learning Center 19415 International Blvdm #410
SeaTac, WA, 98188
Dates: February 4, 2022 March 4, 2022 April 1, 2022 May 6, 2022 June 10, 2022 July 8, 2022 August 5, 2022 September 9, 2022 October 7, 2022 November 4, 2022 December 2, 2022 January 6, 2023 TUITION: $10,000 for 12 sessions for AGD Member Dentist. $4,000 for 12 sessions for CDA with AGD Member Dentists. $14,000 for 12 sessions for Non-AGD Member Dentist. $5,000 for 12 sessions for CDA with Non-AGD Member Dentists

Clinical Implantology from A-Z (2022-2023) - 9/23/2022 to 6/11/2023
Event Type: CE Course
Washington AGD Global Learning Center 19415 International Blvd, #410
SeaTac, WA, 98188
We are proud to offer the first, local, 10 individual sessions course; a hands-on and live surgery training, where you can learn from our highly skilled faculty members, gaining an in-depth experience in implantology to bring your surgical and clinical skills in implant dentistry to the next level. Participants can register in individual sessions depending on their level in implant dentistry, or to register in all sessions as whole program. The course runs from September 2022 through June 2023

58533 Smallpox Vaccination: An Update - 12/1/2022 to 11/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to help dental professionals make informed decisions about participation in the voluntary pre-event vaccination program and to answer questions of patients, family, and friends about the vaccine. In addition, the healthcare team will have necessary information about smallpox should a terrorist act result in the transmission of the smallpox virus.

Antibiotic Prescribing in Dentistry: Challenges and Best Practices - 12/31/2021 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: Online

Online, MI,
Five International College of Dentists' Fellows discuss antibiotic prescribing challenges and best practices in dentistry. The panel of experts, Dr. Gary Brillo (Philippines), Dr. Andres Pinto (United States), Dr. Wendy Thompson (United Kingdom), Dr. Mahesh Verma (India) and Dr. Sam Zwetchkenbaum (United States), engage in interesting conversations about antibiotic sustainability, adverse effects for patients, effective use in oral surgery and pain management, and correlations with COVID-19.

58883 Sleep Disorders - 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, 95899
Many of the complications associated with sleep disorders are preventable, making early diagnosis and appropriate treatment vital. The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the information necessary to identify and contribute to the treatment of sleep disorders, thereby improving patients' quality of life and preventing possible complications.

58663 Oral Pathology Review - 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the information necessary to identify, assess, and treat or refer patients with a wide range of conditions of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial complex resulting Æ’rom pathologic entities of microbial, autoimmune, and behavioral origin.

54703 HIV/AIDS: Update for Florida - 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, 95899
HIV infection is now endemic in the United States and throughout much of the world, and HIV/AIDS has become less about cure and more about management and control. As with most chronic diseases, treatment protocols and management strategies change over time. The purpose of this course is to provide a basic, practical review and update of knowledge concerning HIV/AIDS, addressing the key issues that impact clinical care and public health practice.

50010 Airway Management: Basics for Healthcare Providers - 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
Gaining control of the airway in a compromised patient is absolutely crucial. The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with the clinical knowledge needed to rapidly and effectively assess the patient's airway and intervene efficiently to begin to ventilate the patient in distress.

2022 OSHA Training for Dental Offices (Online) - 2/2/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: Online
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1. Apply OSHA recordkeeping rules and understand audit and enforcement processes 2. Learn and implement bloodborne pathogen exposure control and prevention in your job function 3. Recognize hazard control mechanisms and relative effectiveness 4. Assess use of personal protective equipment in dentistry 5. Recognize and identify hazardous chemicals, and how to minimize exposure 6. Employ violence prevention, electrical and fire safety, radiation and laser safety guidelines in the workplace

2022 Cal/OSHA Training for Dental Offices (Online) - 2/2/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: Online
, CA,
1. Apply OSHA recordkeeping rules and understand audit and enforcement processes 2. Learn and implement bloodborne pathogen exposure control and prevention in your job function 3. Recognize hazard control mechanisms and relative effectiveness 4. Assess use of personal protective equipment in dentistry 5. Recognize and identify hazardous chemicals, and how to minimize exposure 6. Employ violence prevention, electrical and fire safety, radiation and laser safety guidelines in the workplace

2022 WISHA Training for Dental Offices (Online) - 2/2/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: Online

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1. Apply WISHA recordkeeping rules and understand audit and enforcement processes 2. Learn and implement bloodborne pathogen exposure control and prevention in your job function 3. Recognize hazard control mechanisms and relative effectiveness 4. Assess use of personal protective equipment in dentistry 5. Recognize and identify hazardous chemicals, and how to minimize exposure 6. Employ violence prevention, electrical and fire safety, radiation and laser safety guidelines in the workplace

2022 HIPAA Training for Dental Offices (Online) - 2/2/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: Online
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1. The purpose of HIPAA and the different rules/acts involved 2. How HIPAA applies to you and the business partners you may work with 3. Protected health information (PHI), what is not PHI, and information that may be excluded from PHI 4. How PHI can be used and disclosed and patient rights with regard to their information 5. Learn the different HIPAA safeguards, and how to implement them 6. What to do in the event of a HIPAA breach 7. HIPAA enforcement and Administrative Simplification Ru

2022 COVID-19 Awareness Training for Dental Offices (Online) - 2/2/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: Online

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1. Describe coronaviruses, symptoms, and transmission 2. Determine your workplace COVID-19 risk level, different workplace controls and their relative effectiveness 3. Define engineering controls and give examples 4. Define administrative controls and give examples 5. Identify PPE types based on business environment and use in patient care including respirator usage 6. Hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene measures 7. COVID-19 screening and incident response measures

51293 The California Dental Practice Act - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide California dental professionals with a working knowledge of the contents of the California Dental Practice Act, ensuring that they practice legally and safely.

58783 Healthcare-Associated Infections - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with an updated review of healthcare-associated infections, including evidence-based guidelines, strategies for prevention, and selection of appropriate treatment options.

58583 Infection Control for Dental Professionals: The California Requirement - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to familiarize dental professionals with infection control techniques in order to minimize the risks of microbial transmission in the dental healthcare setting.

54051 Infection Control for Dental Professionals - 2/1/2022 to 1/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899
The purpose of this course is to familiarize dental professionals with infection control techniques in order to minimize the risks of microbial transmission in the dental healthcare setting.

2022/23 Continuum in Implant Dentistry with the Chicago Implant Institute - 10/20/2022 to 5/21/2023
Event Type: CE Course
American Dental Association Conference & Meeting C 211 E. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL, 60611
Our Continuum in Implant Dentistry is a 300 hour curriculum. The program is designed to give a thorough understanding of diagnostic and treatment modalities necessary to properly treat patients with dental implants. This curriculum utilizes case-based learning methods that will include lectures, demonstrations, interactive seminars, hand-on sessions and relevant reviews of literature emphasizing evidence-based learning.

Interactive Live Streaming - Adult Oral Sedation Dentistry - February 2022 - 2/22/2022 to 2/22/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - Adult Oral Sedation Dentistry Recertification - February 2022 - 2/22/2022 to 2/22/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - Master Series - Advanced Sedation - February 2022 - 2/22/2022 to 2/22/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - IV Recertification - February 2022 - 2/22/2022 to 2/22/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - Light Sedation: N2O and Oral Sedatives - February 2022 - 2/22/2022 to 2/22/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - Advanced PSD - February 2022 - 2/22/2022 to 2/22/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - Live Patient Experience - February 2022 - 2/22/2022 to 2/22/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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International Dental Volunteer Projects: Over a Century of Experience - 2/24/2022 to 2/24/2023
Event Type: Online
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The program focuses on international volunteerism around the world, including how to facilitate volunteer projects and best practices when volunteering internationally. The panel of ICD experts share their experiences and thoughts on the joys and challenges of international volunteerism, as well as the cultural, logistical and sustainability considerations.

50773 Skin Cancers - 3/1/2022 to 2/28/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

The purpose of this course is to enhance knowledge about the clinical presentation of skin cancers in order to help dental professionals detect skin cancer and make appropriate referrals early, when treatment is most successful.

57430 Cultural Competence: An Overview - 3/1/2022 to 2/28/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

The purpose of this course is to provide members of the interprofessional healthcare team with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to provide culturally competent and responsive care to all patients.

Blood Borne Pathogens - 4/1/2022 to 4/1/2023
Event Type: Online

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OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens standard is a federal OSHA regulation (29 CFR 1910.1030) that prescribes safeguards to protect workers against the health hazards from exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials, and to reduce their risk from this exposure.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Course - 4/1/2022 to 4/1/2023
Event Type: Online

, IL,
Public Act 101-0221 amended the Illinois Human Rights Act (“IHRA”) requiring: Illinois employers to provide annual sexual harassment prevention training by December 31, 2020 and annually thereafter.

Understanding Opioids for Healthcare Providers - 4/1/2022 to 3/1/2023
Event Type: Online

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To renew a Controlled Substances Registration, prescribers are required to complete 3 hours of continuing education (CE) on safe opioid prescribing practices. This requirement counts towards the total number of hours needed to renew a professional license. It will be in effect for all future renewals.

58643 Infection Control: The New York Requirement - 4/1/2022 to 3/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

The purpose of this course is to provide a review of current infection control practices and accepted standards, with an emphasis on the application of infection control standards and practices in dental care settings.

58903 HIV/AIDS: Epidemic Update - 4/1/2022 to 3/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

HIV infection is now endemic in the United States and throughout much of the world, and HIV/AIDS has become less about cure and more about management and control. As with most chronic diseases, treatment protocols and management strategies change over time. The purpose of this course is to provide a basic, practical review and update of knowledge concerning HIV/AIDS, addressing the key issues that impact clinical care and public health practice.

Online Fellowship - 4/20/2022 to 4/20/2023
Event Type: Online
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This course, created by world-renowned expert educators and clinicians, comprises a comprehensive and modular online program that allows participants to gain foundational knowledge in all the various aspects critical to delivering successful surgical and prosthetic implant dentistry, as well as training in areas of advanced bone and soft tissue grafting, sinus augmentation, extraction socket management, and digital implant dentistry.

Online Trefoil Training Program - 4/22/2022 to 4/22/2023
Event Type: Online
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Examining the indications and limitations of treatment with the Trefoil System; learning step-by-step the surgical and restorative procedures, including lab work; review of clinical cases treated with the Trefoil System; review of scientific support material and clinical evidence; and discussion of prosthetic maintenance.

Online Full-Arch Master Program - 4/22/2022 to 4/22/2023
Event Type: Online
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Program Topics -Full-arch treatment planning -Case selection -Diagnostic data collection -Anatomy for oral implantology -Principles and guidelines of immediate loading -Full-arch treatment planning -Prosthetic workflow -iCam 4D technology -Step-by-step protocol for in-office printed temporaries -Full-arch surgeries without a guide -Complications and solutions -50 CE units

Online Advanced Implant Prosthodontics Program - 4/22/2022 to 4/22/2023
Event Type: Online
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-Proper data collection, photography, treatment presentations -Principles of adhesive and biomimetic dentistry -Material selection in esthetic implant and adhesive dentistry -Framework designs for full arch implant restorations -Treatment concepts for the restoration of the edentulous mandible -Removable implant restoration of the edentulous maxilla -Restoration of the fixed maxillary arch -Final impressions and bite registrations -Delivery of final prosthesis for implant and full arch cases

California Dental Practice Act $14 - 4/22/2022 to 4/21/2023
Event Type: Online

www.DentalDidacticsCE.com, ,
www.DentalDidacticsCE.com $14.00 Meets the California Dental Board 2-hour requirement for license renewal

Dental Infection Control 2022 $14 - 4/22/2022 to 4/21/2023
Event Type: Online

www.DentalDidacticsCE.com, ,
www.DentalDidacticsCE.com Meets California and other state requirements for 2-hours of Dental Infection Control for license renewal. California Dental Board approved provider.

Dental OSHA Annual Requirement $14 - 4/22/2022 to 4/21/2023
Event Type: Online

www.DentalDidacticsCE.com, ,
www.DentalDidacticsCE.com OSHA required 2 hour annual requirement for all clinical staff members. Cal-OSHA requirement. $14

National Opioid Crisis - 4/22/2022 to 4/21/2023
Event Type: Online
www.DentalDidacticsCE.com, ,
www.DentalDidacticsCE.com The national opioid crisis as a national public health emergency. Current status of OxyContin and opioid abuse in the United States. Medical and societal issues, mechanisms of action of opioids, clinical signs and symptoms of abuse, treatment programs and protocols, definitions and comparisons of abuse, tolerance, addiction, physical dependence and withdrawal, FDA and DEA strategies to limit abuse potential, legal challenges to marketing and distribution of Oxycontin.

GERD Gastroesophageal (Acid) Reflux Disease - 4/22/2022 to 4/21/2023
Event Type: Online

www.DentalDidacticsCE.com, ,
www.DentalDidacticsCE.com Anatomy and physiology related to GERD, signs and symptoms, treatment approaches, medical sequelae including adenocarcinoma.

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) - 4/22/2022 to 4/21/2023
Event Type: Online

www.DentalDidacticsCE.com, ,
www.DentalDidacticsCE.com Silver Diamine Fluoride recently FDA-approved for caries prevention especially for use in the pediatric and geriatric patient populations, pros and cons of treatment, appropriate patient selection including UCSF protocols and position of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, ideal application protocols.

Antibiotic Resistance Concerns - 4/22/2022 to 4/21/2023
Event Type: Online

www.DentalDidacticsCE.com, ,
www.DentalDidacticsCE.com Current status of antibiotic-resistant micro-organisms in the United States. Medical & societal issues promoting resistant organisms. Strategies to prevent overuse and inappropriate prescription of antibiotics.

Online PRP & PRF Program - 5/3/2022 to 5/3/2023
Event Type: Online
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Program Objectives: -Learn the proper technique for phlebotomy -Identify indication for PRP and PRF -Identify suitable bone grafting materials for PRP and PRF

58793 Food Allergies - 5/1/2022 to 4/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

The purpose of this course is to encourage dental professionals to raise the issue of reactions to food during patient encounters, especially with parents of young patients, and to educate patients about the importance of protecting themselves or their children from allergic reactions.

51913 Dental Care for Patients with Disabilities - 5/1/2022 to 4/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

The purpose of this course is to focus awareness upon the difficult oral health issues that patients with disabilities face on a daily basis and to provide dental professionals with the necessary information to improve patients' oral and systemic health.

Step-by-Step Digital Dentistry Online Course - 5/24/2022 to 12/31/2022
Event Type: Online
PO Box 217
Soulsbyville, CA, 95372
This exciting course covers everything you, your assistants, and your laboratory needs to know about 3D printing and will answer all of your digital questions and address your digital concerns! We cover the basics all the way up to the advanced level methods of using intraoral and optical scanning techniques, free software to edit dental models, 3D printing techniques, and multiple methods for fabricating surgical guides. We teach using low-cost, desktop grade 3D printers that cost less than $4,

51784 Smoking and Secondhand Smoke - 6/1/2022 to 5/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with a formal educational opportunity that will address the impact of tobacco smoking and secondhand exposure in public health and disease as well as interventions to promote smoking cessation among their patients.

57081 Sexual Harassment Prevention: The Illinois Requirement - 6/1/2022 to 5/31/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with clear knowledge of the consequences of sexual harassment and the skills to help combat harassment in the workplace.

Interactive Live Streaming - Adult Oral Sedation Dentistry - May 2022 - 6/9/2022 to 6/9/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - Adult Oral Sedation Dentistry Recertification - May 2022 - 6/9/2022 to 6/9/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - Master Series - Advanced Sedation - May 2022 - 6/9/2022 to 6/9/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - IV Recertification - May 2022 - 6/9/2022 to 6/9/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - Light Sedation: N2O and Oral Sedatives - May 2022 - 6/9/2022 to 6/9/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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Interactive Live Streaming - Safe and Effective Pediatric Dentistry - May 2022 - 6/9/2022 to 6/9/2023
Event Type: Webinar

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58394 Herbal Medications: An Evidence-Based Review - 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

Considering the pharmacologic interactions between herbal medications (HMs) and conventional medications, it is paramount to increase the awareness and knowledge of dental professionals about HMs. The purpose of this course is to increase dental professionals' awareness of the potential risks and benefits of HMs from an evidence-based perspective and promote the planned inclusion of HM use in patients' medical history. This course should allow dental professionals to discuss HMs in a knowledgeable and succinct manner with patients and colleagues.

53764 Men's Health Issues - 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023
Event Type: CE Course

Sacramento, CA, USA 95899

The purpose of this course is to provide dental professionals with necessary information regarding conditions and health issues that affect men in order to facilitate more effective diagnosis, treatment, and care. As male-specific factors influence the provision and compliance to therapy, tools to ensure effective patient education for men are provided to increase the likelihood of positive outcomes.

California Dental Practice Act – 2 CE - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity Overview The purpose of this course is to serve as a guideline for dentists, orthodontists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and other professionals in the dental field who are working in the state of California. The course is to inform about the rules and regulations for safely and legally practicing dentistry in accordance with the California Dental Practice Act.

Domestic Violence: The Dental Practitioner's Fight - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity Overview: The course is designed to increase awareness among dental professionals of the prevalence of domestic violence, the categories of domestic violence that they may encounter in their practice, how to recognize the signs of domestic violence, and their obligations for reporting known or suspected domestic violence.

HIV/AIDS Infection Control for Dental Professionals - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: CE Course

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Activity overview: This course covers the topic of HIV/AIDS and infection for dental professionals. It fulfills the requirements for the 2-hour requirement for HIV/AIDS. This course complies with HIV/AIDS requirements and is approved by an MQA Dental Board for Dentists and Dental Hygienists.

Ethics for the Dental Professional - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity Overview: This course provides the information dental professionals including dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants need to understand the moral, ethical and legal effects of their behavior.

Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity overview: Learn about the information necessary to diagnose and respond to common medical emergencies that can occur in oral healthcare settings.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) for Dental Professionals - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity overview: This course provides an overview of HIPAA requirements for dentists and dental practices as well as steps that practitioners can take to comply with these requirements.

Pharmacology of Local Anesthetics and Sedation Overview for the Dental Office - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity Overview: Gain a foundational understanding of the mechanisms of pain, the function and pharmacology of common local anesthetic agents used in dentistry, and factors to consider when selecting a local anesthetic for managing perioperative dental pain.

Geriatric Patients for Dental Professionals - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity Overview: This course reviews the needs of geriatric patients for dental professionals including the importance of the review of physical characteristics and medical history during the initial assessment and discusses medical emergency protocols.

Overview: Oral Mucosal Lesions - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity overview: Learn about oral mucosal lesions, their types, complications, evaluation, treatment, and prevention in this CE.

Oral Hypersensitivity - 7/18/2022 to 7/18/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity Overview: This course discusses the etiology, prevalence, and diagnosis of dentinal hypersensitivity as well as reviews clinical evidence behind common treatments.

Common Dental Medical Errors - 7/19/2022 to 7/19/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity overview: Learn about how to prevent medical errors using root cause analysis in this CE that meets the requirements for Florida dental professionals.

Tennessee Guidelines for Controlled Substance Prescribing and Abuse - 7/19/2022 to 7/19/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity Overview: The following course is designed to help dental professionals understand their role in fighting the current opioid crisis as well as provide best practices that dentists can use when prescribing pain medications to their patients.

Controlled Substance Prescriptions in Dentistry - 7/19/2022 to 7/19/2023
Event Type: Online

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Activity overview: The following course is designed to help dental professionals understand their role in fighting the current opioid crisis as well as provide best practices that dentists can use when prescribing pain medications to their patients.